travel airplane safety tips

Secret Airplane Safety Tips that No One Tells You

👉🏼 👉🏼 👉🏼 Find out what most people MISS when it comes to watching out for themselves and their loved ones when they travel by downloading my FREE Airplane Safety Checklist! 👈🏼 👈🏼 👈🏼  (With the increasing issue of violence on board aircraft, you definitely can’t afford to fly without this information any longer!) … SUMMARY of the safety tips on this video We’ve all seen so …

"travel preparation" "tasks before you travel" "travel paperwork" "important travel documents"

Travel Preparation: 4 Tasks That Everyone Forgets

You’ve booked your flight, reserved your hotel, pre-purchased tickets to must-see attractions, and packed your suitcase. Heck, you’ve even made duplicates of all your travel documents and left copies with your mom. You are a travel preparation pro! But wait: you’re not ready to go just yet! No one likes to think about it, but accidents do happen. Cars wreck, …

transportation bus train subway safety

Are there ANY safe seats on public transit?

One of my least favorite things about traveling to exotic destinations is driving in unfamiliar traffic conditions. This can vary from the mild inconvenience of not knowing my way around the neighborhood all the way to driving on the opposite of the road with zero road shoulder. Hence, when I find myself in foreign lands, I am the Queen of …